Great level of attendance of Directors and general audience for the launching of DBCA – Directores Brasileiros de Cinema e do Audiovisual – in the city of Brasilia and two days later in Rio de Janeiro. Its Presidente Sylvio Back (below, to the right) gave a warm welcome to the public and the international guests which were part of this important event.
Last September important events were conducted around the directors’ authors´ right in Latin America and the world
These were carried out to launch and present the DBCA – Diretores Brasileiros de Cinema e do Audiovisual – ( as the Society for the management of audiovisual directors authors’ rights around the world in the Federative Republic of Brazil.
Together with the main goals of collecting and distributing copyrights, the creation and maintenance of a sustained fund and welfare activities for their associated directors are also prioritized.
Far from any political and union objectives – which has resulted in a renovated participation and hope from Brazil’s Directors – the DBCA is committed to follow its convictions and efforts with the object of dignifying the director’s role starting with the fair collection and clear distribution of the audiovisual author directors’ rights so that with the wrongful delayed income they can finally see the benefits of the continuous reproductions of their works every day in all media, analog or digital, existing or to be created in the future.
The presentations and panels of experts carried out in Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro included the presence of important people representing the Ministry of Culture of Brazil, the Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean from CISAC (International Confederation of Authors and Composers Societies), executives from DAC (Cinematographic Argentinian Directors) and from ADAL (Latin American Audiovisual Directors Alliance), together with their Legal Advisors and the Founding Members Directors from DBCA with its President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer, who presented the objectives and work plans of the DBCA.
Launching and presentation of DBCA within the framework of the 48th Brazilian Film Festival held in the city of Brasilia. The authorities of DBCA accompanied by DAC´s board receiving the support of the most prominent figures of the Ministry of Culture of Brasil, who had a very important role during this presentation.
Within the framework of the 48th Festival of Brazilian Cinema, held at an important hotel in the city of Brasilia, as well as at a stunning hotel in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the DBCA was presented to the society with panels of experts in copyright before a numerous audiovisual directors crowd who greatly enriched the debate by asking several questions which clarified the goals of this society that aims at promoting – with the support of its members, the exercise of the collective management of the authors´rights they own in relation to the use of audiovisual plays, through the regulation of the collection for the public communication of audiovisual works in Brazil.
DBCA is part of the technical assistance plan offered by ADAL, for emerging societies in Latin America, within a cooperation framework of the regional Leadership for Latin America and the Caribbean from CISAC, and it possess the full and complete support of Writers and Directors Worldwide with headquarters in Europe and copyright societies around the world that encouraged, through exciting written letters, the creation of this new society and expressed their total support for its future growth.
View support letters:

Audiovisual Media Copyrights

Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques

Directors UK

Alianza de Directores Audiovisuales Latinoamericanos

Directores Argentinos Cinematográficos

Writers & Directors Worldwide

Sociedad de Directores Audiovisuales, Guionistas y Dramaturgos

Directores México

Sociedad General de Autores y Editores

Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori
DBCA is growing at a rapid pace and thanks to their growing efforts the society has gathered over 100 member audiovisual directors that by supporting and leading this initiative, today, for the first time in Brasil´s history, are able to have access to a society that will fight for their rights -not only in their own territory- but everywhere else, through the support provided by the international societies centralized at the CISAC.
As happy as we are in ADAL – Latin American Audiovisual Directors Alliance – for being part of this effort, we welcome this new society and every colleague part of it who will also represent us in this important territory, committing to provide all of our support and collaboration technically and economically to the Brazilian Leadership in their advocacy for the rights that, as authors of the works as mentioned in the Law, play an important role in the cultural patrimony not only of Brazil but of the entire world.